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What Is Leadership? Environmental orientation and corporate performance: The mediation mechanism of green supply chain management and moderating effect of competitive intensity Green operations and the moderating role of environmental management capability of suppliers on manufacturing firm performance From Crisis to Opportunity: Environmental Jolt, Corporate Acquisitions, and Firm Performance State of green business report, 2013

Thursday, 7 November 2013

State of green business report, 2013


    In this, our sixth annual State of Green Business report, we've made some significant changes — not just in the look and feel of the document you’re reading, but in its content. First and foremost, we've partnered with Trucost, a leading research firm focusing on natural capital and sustainability metrics, to revamp the indicators by which we assess progress by the private sector in addressing global environmental challenges.

Monday, 4 November 2013

What Is Leadership?

     Leadership has probably been written about, formally researched, and informally discussed more than any other single topic. Despite all this attention given to leadership, there is still considerable controversy. For example, in a recent article, leadership guru Warren Bennis gives the title "The End of Leadership" to make his point that effective leadership cannot exist without the full inclusion, initiatives, and the cooperation of employees. In other words, one cannot be a great leader without great followers. Another leadership guru, Barry Posner, makes the following observations about the needed change in how business leadership is viewed: